Friday, November 3, 2017

Preliminary Storm Information

National Weather Service Riverton WY
951 PM MST Fri Nov 03 2017

.....Preliminary Storm Information...

The following are preliminary snowfall amounts since 6 am MDT
Observations are collected from a variety of sources with varying
equipment and exposures. We thank all volunteer weather observers
for their dedication. Not all data listed are considered official.

***** Snowfall Amounts *****

Location                              Snowfall

Fremont County...
 Deer Park Snotel...                  5 inches.
 Burroughs Creek Snotel...            4 inches.
 Hobbs Park Snotel...                 4 inches.
 Brooks Lake...                       2 inches.

Lincoln County...
 Blind Bull Summit...                 4 inches.
 Indian Creek Snotel...               4 inches.
 Blind Bull Summit Snotel...          3 inches.
 Spring Creek Divide Snotel...        3 inches.

Park County...
 Evening Star Snotel...               3 inches.
 Beartooth Lake Snotel...             3 inches.
 Blackwater Snotel...                 3 inches.
 Kirwin Snotel...                     2 inches.

Sublette County...
 Gunsite Pass Snotel...               3 inches.
 Loomis Park Snotel...                2 inches.
 Larsen Creek Snotel...               1 inch.
 Pocket Creek Snotel...               1 inch.
 Triple Peak Snotel...                1 inch.

Teton County...
 Grand Targhee Snotel...              8 inches.
 Togwotee Pass Snotel...              6 inches.
 Jackson Hole - Mid Mountain...       4 inches.
 Togwotee Mountain Lodge...           4 inches.
 Jackson Hole - Rendezvous Bowl...    4 inches.
 Jackson Hole - Raymer...             4 inches.
 Snow King...                         1 inch.
 Phillips Bench Snotel...             1 inch.

Yellowstone National Park...
 Lewis Lake Divide Snotel...          9 inches.
 Two Ocean Plateau Snotel...          7 inches.
 Thumb Divide Snotel...               4 inches.
 Sylvan Lake Snotel...                2 inches.
 Canyon Snotel...                     2 inches.
 Parker Peak Snotel...                2 inches.

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